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Novos livros disponíveis na Biblioteca ETAD

EGGERS, Peter M.; PICKEN, Simon. Good Faith and insurance contracts. 4.ed. Abingdon: Informa Law, 2018.

Note: This book sets out an exhaustive analysis of the law concerning the duty of utmost good faith, as applied to insurance contracts.

McBRIDE, Nichola J. Key ideas in contract law. Oregon: Hart, 2017.

Note: This book introduces the reader to a number of ideas and issues that underlie the English law of contract an area of law that is often regarded as forbiddingly dry and technical but which is here made easy to understand and full of interest.

BELLEROSE, R. Philippe. Reinsurance for the beginner. 5.ed. Livingston: Witherby, 2003.

Note: As society, technology and business all develop, new insurance and reinsurance products are created or adopted to reflect these developments. This is the new edition of a now established work, ideal for anyone needing a grounding in the subject.

HOGARTH, Robert; ANDERSON, Alexandra; GOLDRING, Simon. Insurance law for the construction industry. 2.ed. Oxford: Oxford University, 2013.

Note: Questions of insurance arise in virtually all constructions cases. Providing a much-needed guide to the complex interface between insurance law and construction projects.

BARRET, Kevin. Defective construction work. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.

Note: Defective construction work, whether the result of inadequate design, faulty workmanship or poor materials or some combination of these failings is a frequent cause of legal disputes. Someone is usually to blame, either the builder or one or more of the professional consultants, or even the entire project team.

PADFIELD, Alison. Insurance claims. 4.ed. Haywards Heath: Bloomsbury Professional, 2016.

Note: This book provides an accurate summary of the law as it relates to insurance claims, which means largely, but not exclusively, claims against insurers and insurance brokers.

FONTAINE, Marcel; DE LY, Filip. Drafiting international contracts: an analysis of contract clauses. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2009.

Note: This book is an essential resource for anyone working in international business. It features the latest trends, fostering an understanding of how international contracts are drafted in practice.

ATKINSON, Daniel. Causation in construction law: principles and methods of analysis. London: Daniel Atkinson, 2007.
Note: Its a book which examines the issue of causation in construction law from a practical view.

REED, Paul. Contruction all risks insurance. 2.ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2016.

Note:  This book will be essential reading for both lawyers and insurance brokers in the field of construction insurance. 

GEORGOSOULI, Andromachi; GOLDBY, Miriam. Systemic risk and the future of insurance regulation. New York: Informa Law, 2016.

Note: This book examines policy developments that have been occurring in the field of financial regulation and their implications for the insurance industry and markets.

BIRDS, John. Bird’s modern insurance law. 10.ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2016.

Note: provides an analysis of the increasingly complex legal rules affecting contracts of insurance 

O’NEILL, P.T.; WOLONIECKI, J.W. The law of reinsurance in England and Bermuda. 4.ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2017.

Note: It is a definitive reference source for practitioners, covering general principles of the reinsurance contract, examining particular reinsurance agreements in detail, and all relevant areas of agency law. Procedural issues in reinsurance litigation and arbitration are also covered.