Novos livros disponíveis na Biblioteca ETAD
LAWSON, Ricard. Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms. 12.ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2017.
Note: Examines, in a straightforward and practical manner, this integral area of contract law and provides guidance to the practitioner on drafting and using exclusion clauses effectively within the formative phase of a contract.
HAUTER, Niels V.; JONES, Geoffrey. Managing risk in reinsurance: form city fires to global warming. Oxford: Oxford University, 2017.
Note: The business of reinsurance developed at the fringe of financial services and, for most of its existence, went largely unnoticed outside the expert community.
LAWSON, Ricard. Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms. 12.ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2017.
Note: Examines, in a straightforward and practical manner, this integral area of contract law and provides guidance to the practitioner on drafting and using exclusion clauses effectively within the formative phase of a contract.
LOACKER, Leander D. Informed insurance choice?The insurer’s pre-contratual information duties in general consumer insurance. Cheltenhham: Edward Elgar, 2015.
Note: This book is the result of a mind-bendingly huge amount of research. As such, it makes an invaluable contribution to the literature on at least one of the financial services industries which clearly need to put certain reforms in place.
BARRET, Kevin. Defective construction work. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
Note: Defective construction work, whether the result of inadequate design, faulty workmanship or poor materials or some combination of these failings is a frequent cause of legal disputes. Someone is usually to blame, either the builder or one or more of the professional consultants, or even the entire project team.
AZEVEDO, Celso de. Walmsley on business interruption insurance law and practice. 2.ed. Livingston: Witherby Insurance, 2016.
Note: this second edition has remained to provide a concise guide to business interruption insurance law and especially to tackle practical claims issues arising from the widely followed standard terms of the UK Gross Profit Form.
BIRDS, John. Insurance law in the United Kingdom. 3.ed. Biggleswade, Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
Note: this book provides valuable practical insight into both public supervisory legislation concerning insurance and private insurance contract law in the United Kingdom.
HENLEY, Christopher. The law of insurance broking. 3.ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2004.
Note: is the only book dedicated exclusively to the law affecting insurance brokers and their relationship with clients, agents, and third parties.
PAOLINI, Adolfo; NAMBISAN, Deepak. Director’s and officers’ liability insurance. Abingdon: Informa Law, 2008.
Note: This book scrutinises the origins and the rationale underlying D&O insurance, and provides answers to the question of protecting directors against the potential liabilities they may face.
JARZABRKOWSKI, Paula; BEDNAREK, Rebecca; SPEE, Paul. Making a Market for Acts of God: the practice of risk-trading in the global reinsurance industry. Oxford: Oxford University, 2017.
Note: This book brings to life the reinsurance market through vivid real-life tales that draw from an ethnographic, “fly-on-the-wall” study of the global reinsurance industry over three annual cycles.
EGGERS, Peter M. Vitiation of contractual consent. Abingdon: Informa Law, 2017.
Note: The book will be an invaluable reference tool for lawyers involved in all types of contractual disputes.
CANNON; Mark; McGURK, Brendan. Professional indemnity insurance. 2.ed. Oxford: Oxford University, 2016.
Note: This authoritative and practical guide provides a thorough account of the law and practice of professional indemnity insurance.