Our firm provided legal advice to the Feira do Livro 2022, a free admission Book Fair that comprehended more that 45 speakers and 120 publishers, bookstores and newsstands, and took place at Charles Miller Square, in front of Pacaembú Stadium (São Paulo), from June 8th-12th, 2022.

Our firm provided legal advice to the exhibition ENTREVENDO by Cildo Meireles. The show presented more than 150 pieces, his biggest collection ever exhibited, and took place at Sesc Pompeia (São Paulo) from September 2019 to February 2020.

Our firm, through Projeto Ceará 202, provided legal advice to the Brazilian Institute of Architects of the São Paulo division (Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil – IAB/SP) in a loss adjustment concerning the American artist Alexander Calder’s work, Black Widow (1959), damaged during an exhibition.

Through Projeto Ceará 202 our firm provided legal advice to the Brazilian editions of the acclaimed exhibition AMAZÔNIA by world renowned Brazilian photojournalist Sebastião Salgado, AMAZÔNIA, and organized by Lélia Wanick Salgado, that took place in the cities of São Paulo (Sesc Pompeia) and Rio de Janeiro (Museu do Amanhã).
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